
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

Security advice

Push-only servers

Sometimes you only want to use Faye to push events from your server-side application to your clients, and you don’t want clients to be able to publish at all. This can easily be done by requiring a password for publishing. On any non-/meta/ message, check for the password. If it’s not present, add an error to the message. Finally, delete the password from the message to prevent leaking it to clients.

var secret = 'some long and unguessable application-specific string';

  incoming: function(message, callback) {
    if (!message.channel.match(/^\/meta\//)) {
      var password = message.ext && message.ext.password;
      if (password !== secret)
        message.error = '403::Password required';

  outgoing: function(message, callback) {
    if (message.ext) delete message.ext.password;

Then you can add a client-side extension to your server-side client to add the password:

var secret = 'some long and unguessable application-specific string';

  outgoing: function(message, callback) {
    message.ext = message.ext || {};
    message.ext.password = secret;

If you’re using a plain HTTP client to publish messages, include the password in the JSON body:

$ curl -X POST www.example.com/faye \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"channel": "/foo", "data": "hi", "ext": {"password": "..."}}'

Remember to keep the password secret, and do not let it leak out of your servers into the outside world.