
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

Browser client

Sending messages

Clients do not send each other messages directly, instead they send their messages to channels, and the server figures out which clients need to receive the message. You can send a message using the #publish() method, passing in the channel name and a message object.

client.publish('/foo', {text: 'Hi there'});

The message object can be any arbitrary JavaScript object that can be serialized to JSON, so it can contain strings, numbers, booleans, arrays and other objects. There are no required fields, and the object will be delivered verbatim to any subscriber functions listening to that channel.

Just like subscribe(), the publish() method returns a promise that is fulfilled when the server acknowledges the message. This just means the server received and routed the message successfully, not that it has been received by all other clients. The promise is rejected if the server explcitly returns an error saying it could not publish the message to other clients; network errors are therefore not covered by this API.

var publication = client.publish('/foo', {text: 'Hi there'});

publication.then(function() {
  alert('Message received by server!');
}, function(error) {
  alert('There was a problem: ' + error.message);

The Faye client will automatically try to resend your messages if it encounters a network error. It will attempt to resend the message until it receives confirmation that the server has processed it. Sometimes, you might not want messages to be retried indefinitely, and Faye gives you two ways to limit this behaviour; see the dispatch options.