
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

Security advice


Outside the trivial case of just allowing the server to publish, we need a way to authenticate the client connections and decide what each one is allowed to do. Before we get into that, it is worth reviewing the mechanics of the transport mechanisms Faye uses:

  • WebSocket – bidirectional message-passing socket between the client and server. Initiated using an HTTP GET request with an Upgrade: websocket header. Can be opened to any origin.
  • EventSource – unidirectional socket that delivers from the server to the client. Initiated by the client using a GET request with the Accept: text/event-stream header. Obeys the same-origin policy.
  • XMLHttpRequest (including CORS) – request/response HTTP client, with some restrictions. Cannot set various headers, e.g. Cookie, Host, Origin, Referer. Can only read the response if the server grants permission through the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. May use a pre-flight OPTIONS request to determine whether the request can be sent at all.
  • JSON-P – cross-domain GET requests based on injecting a script tag and the server enclosing some JSON data in a JavaScript function call. No origin restrictions, GET only, no access to headers.

All of these transports have in common that the browser will attach any cookies for the target domain to the outgoing request, regardless of where the request originates. This means another site can send any of these requests to your server and the browser will attach your cookies. This is where CSRF attacks come from.

Faye may use any of these at any given time, based on what the server, the user’s browser, and the intervening network support. If operating a cross-origin connection, it will pick a transport that allows this. The Faye server makes no restrictions based on the Origin of a request, and allows all requests through Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

How should I authenticate clients?

The core question you’re trying to answer when authenticating a client’s subscription or publication message is, how does the server know that the client is acting on behalf of an authorized user? That is, how can the client prove it should be given access to do what it wants?

For server-side clients, that run on private hardware rather than running on the web or as part of a native app installed on the user’s hardware, this is simple: require a password. You can easily pick a password and require it to be present in messages to perform certain actions. See Push-only servers for an example of this pattern, and remember to delete the password from messages as they leave the server lest they leak to third parties.

For clients running on a web page, acting on behalf of a user, you need to provably associate the client with the user’s session. We can take an approach similar to how one prevents CSRF in traditional web apps.

To prevent CSRF, we generate an unguessable token from the user’s session, embed it in any forms we render, then require that all POST requests contain a valid token for the session. This works because JavaScript on other domains cannot read pages served by your app, or the user’s cookies for your domain, so cannot get the token they need to make POST requests. Thus, the presence of such a token proves the request came from one of your pages.

Note that this defense relies on third-party JavaScript not being able to get a token. Any resources tied to the user’s session must not be accessible cross-domain, that is to say a resource that depends on the request’s Cookie should never include Access-Control-Allow-Origin in the response.

So, taking inspiration from this approach, we can imagine having our web application render some JS data into the page that contains the user’s ID and a token generated from the session, just like how we would embed a hidden CSRF token field in a rendered form. The Faye client embeds the token and the current user ID in the request before sending it.

// Rendered by the server:
var USER_ID    = 18787,
    USER_TOKEN = 'ifd63cylqwsyaq9c2ptzywjujgtfpxs';

  outgoing: function(message, callback) {
    if (message.channel !== '/meta/subscribe')
      return callback(message);

    message.ext = message.ext || {};
    message.ext.userId = USER_ID;
    message.ext.token = USER_TOKEN;

The server would then have an extension that checked incoming /meta/subscribe messages for ext.userId and ext.token and validated these values. If the token/ID pair is not valid, or if the given user is not allowed to subscribe to the given channel, the server refuses the subscription request.

How should I generate tokens?

There are many potential ways of doing this, depending on what data you decide to send along with the subscription message and the security requirements of your system. If you have questions or are not well-versed in basic cryptography, please ask the mailing list - there are plenty of people there who’ve dealt with these problems.

The important thing is that the incoming message contains a user ID, that you’re going to use to decide if the request should be allowed. You need to know that the message really came from that user. You must also make sure that the token does not reveal how it was generated, since it will be exposed to any script running in the browser and you must not let third parties discover how to create real-looking tokens.

So, when implementing your code to generate USER_TOKEN, an easy solution might be to have the server determine the user ID from the session, then sign the ID using a secret key stored on the server. For example:

var crypto = require('crypto'),
    hmac   = crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'your secret key'),
    token  = hmac.update('the user ID').digest('hex');

// -> 'cb20f4a58ea060d186fb4fad7949dfad0eea8bcf6ae2f4f9594e9c8f1dc9b509'

Bear in mind that you should use a Message Authentication Code (MAC) like HMAC for this, rather than a bare hashing function.

The server must only return a token based on the current logged-in user; the client should not be able to specify a different user ID in its request. Otherwise, a client can easily gain authenticated access to other users’ data.

When the client sends its subscription request, you regenerate the token using the given user ID and your secret key, and check it matches the token in the message. If it does, you know the user ID is genuine and proceed with your access control.

You could also have the token generator accept the name of the channel the client wants to subscribe to, and make it sign a combination of the user ID and channel name if the user is allowed to subscribe:

var crypto  = require('crypto'),
    userId  = session.userId,
    channel = params.channel,
    hmac, token;

if (canSubscribe(userId, channel)) {
  hmac  = crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'your secret key'),
  token = hmac.update(userId + ':' + channel).digest('hex');
} else {
  token = null;

The token then acts as proof that your application has granted access to the channel, and all the Faye server has to do is check the token matches the user ID and channel in the message.

Remember that if you are using this technique to protect publication, you must delete any credentials using an outgoing extension on the server side to avoid forwarding the credentials to subscribed clients.