
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

Security advice

Other techniques

The above is a fairly comprehensive picture of restricting access to your Faye server. The important thing to remember is that when exchanging messages, you just need a way to prove that the data is genuine. This relies heavily on cryptograhpic techniques and you should always use standard functions for this rather than inventing your own.

However, sometimes, it’s just a case of using data that is very hard to guess. For example, say you want to send messages to one particular user and nobody else. Instead of naming a channel after a username and requiring an access token to subcribe to it, you could just make the channel name contain the access token. For example, the client could call an endpoint on your server to get a channel name for the logged-in user, then subscribe to that channel in Faye. When publishing, you would just regenerate the channel name from the username you want to publish to.

These channel names may be a cryptograhpically signed copy of the user’s name or ID, or they could simply be very large random numbers (larger than 160 bits is advisable) that you store in a database next to each user ID. As long as they cannot be guessed by a third party, you’re alright. Just remember that ‘cannot be guessed’ is surprisingly hard to implement correctly, and you should consult someone with a grounding in crypto if you’re not sure what you’re doing is safe.


This guide, while not exhaustive should give you enough grounding on the topic to safely implement a real-time application using Faye. If you have further questions you should ask on the mailing list – many people there have run into the same problems as you and will likely have already thought of a solution. If you have a genuinely unusual case then you will most likely benefit from their sage advice.

Thank you for taking the time to familiarise yourself with this advice and for using Faye. Your feedback on this document is eagerly solicited; issues and pull requests can be submitted on the Faye project on GitHub.