
Simple pub/sub messaging for the web

Security advice

Can I use cookies?

As of version 1.0, Faye allows server-side extensions to access the request data for the current message. We have introduced this capability in order to support integration with various other HTTP-based authorization mechanisms, but still recommend that this task is done within the messaging protocol using signed or encrypted data.

However some users will want to use HTTP-based methods, in particular the Cookie header that carries the user’s session. There are several caveats you must be aware of to use cookies safely.

First, the browser will send cookies regardless of which site the request came from, so to make sure you’re only granting access to your own pages, you must implement CSRF protection. If you don’t do this, any site the user has open will get privileged access to your Faye server by impersonating the user.

Second, some transports like WebSocket and EventSource use a very long-lived request and only send one Cookie header on first connection. This means the information you’re using to authorize messages may have been sent a long time ago and may therefore be stale. If the session has changed or been invalidated since the initial connection, relying on stale data can cause security holes.

Instead of cookies that contain the session data, we recommend keeping a session ID in the cookies and storing the data on the server, either in memory or on disk or in a database. This way, you will look up the session afresh on every message instead of using stale data.

Can I use Origin, Referer, etc.?

Although the Origin header was introduced to combat CSRF, these headers can be easily guessed and spoofed by server-side clients, browser extensions and malicious JavaScript applications. They are not cryptographically secure proof that you can trust where the request claims to have come from.

This still allows third parties to inject messages into your application, and is especially bad if you have clients that receive JavaScript and eval() it.

The Origin header is also not sent by most browser transports that Faye uses, so filtering based on it will actually block most legit traffic, including the initial handshake request.